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LifeStone International | About Haiti

About Haiti

Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with nearly 80% of its population living in poverty. 7 out of 10 Haitians live on less than US $2 a day.

In January 2010, Haiti endured the most powerful earthquake in over 200 years. A 7.0 magnitude earthquake devastated much of its capital city, Port-au-Prince, and neighboring areas, killing more than 300,000 people and leaving more than 1.3 million homeless.

  • Unemployment rate is 40.6%
  • Only 53% of its population age 15 and over can read and write.
  • 42% of children under the age of five are affected by chronic malnutrition.
  • French and Creole are the official languages. Roman Catholicism is the major religion, voodoo is practiced throughout the nation.
  • It’s a 2 hour plane ride from Florida to Haiti.